Two Iranian soldiers killed in clashes in West Azerbaijan

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - At least two Iranian soldiers were killed in clashes on the northwestern border with Iraqi Kurdistan, sources said.

One source told Rudaw that clashes took place in the Barimergan area of Piranshahr, a town in Iran’s West Azerbaijan province.

He could not tell who was involved in the clashes, but according to the information received by Rudaw at least two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were killed in the area.


He said the clashes had begun at about 8 pm on Sunday night and were still ongoing at midnight.

Clashes in West Azerbaijan in recent weeks involved Kurdish armed groups and Iranian security guards in the border areas.

In early September the Iranian intelligence ministry said it killed “12 armed bandits” in West Azerbaijan while the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iran said two of their Peshmerga fighters were killed.

On Saturday morning, Iran resumed cross-border shelling from West Azerbaijan into the Kurdistan Region, targeting the Barbzinan area in Sidakan, a few kilometers inside Iraqi Kurdistan’s Soran district.

A Rudaw reporter in the area said that, alongside the shelling, there were clashes that involved light machine guns but there were no reports of casualties.