ISIS’ chief missiles expert killed in Iraqi air raid

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Islamic State’s (ISIS) chief expert on missiles and mortars has been killed in an Iraqi air raid, a military official told Rudaw on Saturday.

 Abdulaziz Jassim Mohamed Hassan, also known as Jassim Khadija, was killed in an air raid in the Gyarah region of Mosul province, said the official from the Iraqi Army, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Last week, Col. Steve Warren, the US military spokesman in Baghdad, said that over the past month coalition air strikes had killed “three senior leaders” of the terrorist group.

He also warned that the forces were hunting for ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“I hope that al-Baghdadi watches these press conferences because I want him to know that we are hunting him, and we will find him,” Warren told reporters at a press conference.

“We are going to find Baghdadi, and we -- he will taste justice.  I don't know if that justice will look like a Hellfire missile, or if it will look like a dark prison cell somewhere, but he will find justice one day,” Warren vowed.