By Rekar Aziz
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A top Syrian opposition official says that Kurds are an important part of Syria and that the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) represent the Kurds in the country.
"Kurds are an essential component of Syria," said Riyadh Hijab, the head of the Syrian oppositions delegation for peace talks.
Speaking to Rudaw, during his visit to the Kurdistan Region's capital Erbil, Hijab, who was also a former Syrian prime minister, said that the Kurdish National Council, which is also known by its Kurdish acronym ENKS, "represents Kurds in Syria."
The ENKS, founded in Erbil on October 2011, includes 15 Kurdish political parties in Syria. The council seeks to garner autonomy for Syria Kurdistan.
Hijab also met the Kurdistan Region's President Masoud Barzani. They discussed the ongoing efforts to bring about a settlement that will end the Syrian war.
"We hope the Geneva talks bring blessing and prosperity to the Syrian people," Barzani said during their meeting.
The coordinator of the Syrian opposition team also accused Assad of bringing turmoil to Syria after he refused to relinquish his hold on the reigns of state power, saying he has lost his "legitimacy."
"The Syrian government has lost its legitimacy," he said before adding that "Assad brought Syria into this crisis in order to stay in power."
He also added that he was not optimistic about the future peace talks since "there is no international intention for a political transition".
"Excluding Assad", he claimed, "the Geneva talks should bring about a political transition in Syria."
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A top Syrian opposition official says that Kurds are an important part of Syria and that the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) represent the Kurds in the country.
"Kurds are an essential component of Syria," said Riyadh Hijab, the head of the Syrian oppositions delegation for peace talks.
Speaking to Rudaw, during his visit to the Kurdistan Region's capital Erbil, Hijab, who was also a former Syrian prime minister, said that the Kurdish National Council, which is also known by its Kurdish acronym ENKS, "represents Kurds in Syria."
The ENKS, founded in Erbil on October 2011, includes 15 Kurdish political parties in Syria. The council seeks to garner autonomy for Syria Kurdistan.
Hijab also met the Kurdistan Region's President Masoud Barzani. They discussed the ongoing efforts to bring about a settlement that will end the Syrian war.
"We hope the Geneva talks bring blessing and prosperity to the Syrian people," Barzani said during their meeting.
The coordinator of the Syrian opposition team also accused Assad of bringing turmoil to Syria after he refused to relinquish his hold on the reigns of state power, saying he has lost his "legitimacy."
"The Syrian government has lost its legitimacy," he said before adding that "Assad brought Syria into this crisis in order to stay in power."
He also added that he was not optimistic about the future peace talks since "there is no international intention for a political transition".
"Excluding Assad", he claimed, "the Geneva talks should bring about a political transition in Syria."
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